Planetary Radar Astronomy with Ground-Based Astrophysical Assets
by Patrick A. Taylor, Edgard G. Rivera-Valentín, Amber Bonsall, Tracy M. Becker, A.M. Benner, Sriram S. Bhiravarasu, Marina Brozovic, Michael W. Busch, Bruce A. Campbell, Frank D. Ghigo, Alan W. Harris, Christopher Magri, Amy K. Mainzer, Jean-Luc Margot, Sean E. Marshall, Joseph R. Masiero, Shantanu P. Naidu, Michael C. Nolan, Gerald W. Patterson, Louise M. Prockter, Hanna G. Sizemore, Timothy D. Swindle, Flaviane C.F. Venditti, and Anne K. Virkki
Published onMay 31, 2019
Planetary Radar Astronomy with Ground-Based Astrophysical Assets
Planetary Radar with Ground-Based Astrophysical Assets
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