Atmospheric gravity waves are generated by overshooting convection and are thought to propagate throughout the lower solar atmosphere. The properties of these waves will be modified by the strength and orientation of the magnetic field, resulting in either suppression at regions of strong magnetic activity or mode conversion. By combining high-resolution, multi-wavelength IBIS observations and co-aligned SDO data, we investigate the characteristics of these waves throughout the lower solar atmosphere, with the goal of revealing new information about the quiet Sun’s magnetic field. We have analyzed line core velocities and intensities of four spectral lines (Ca II 8542 Å, Fe I 5434 Å, Fe I 7090 Å, and K I 7699 Å) along with HMI’s Fe I 6173 Å, to derive phase differences and construct k−ω diagnostic diagrams at a range of heights. We detect the signatures of propagating atmospheric gravity waves at disk center. We will ultimately use multiple datasets taken at disk center, near the limb, and around active regions to also explore their large horizontal velocities and behavior in more magnetic environments.