Presentation #106.04 in the session “Icy Galilean Satellites: Spectroscopy”.
The Mapping Imaging Spectrometer for Europa (MISE) on the Europa Clipper Mission is currently being fabricated as a high-optical-throughput push-broom imaging spectrometer providing high signal, low noise measurements within the challenging Jovian radiation environment around Europa. The MISE instrument consists of a f/1.4 Dyson spectrometer with a CaF2 dispersive element and a 3-mirror, off-axis telescope that views through an articulated flat mirror with ± 30° of motion projected onto the ground.
Science: MISE will map the surface composition of Europa from global scale (10 km / pixel ) down to local scale (7.5 m/pixel) at 10 nm spectral sampling over a spectral range of 0.8 to 5 μm. Materials identified and mapped include: organics, salts, ices and radiolytic compounds. These data will be used to address fundamental questions about Europa’s such as:
Are there organics on Europa’s surface originating from the ocean and where are they located?
Is Europa’s ocean habitable?
Can locations of current or recent activity be identified?
How does material from Europa’s ocean reach the surface?
Instrument Status: All telescope and spectrometer optical elements have been delivered include the grating and slit which were manufactured using an electron beam machine at the JPL Micro Devices Laboratory and are being assembled. The flight focal plane has been selected. It is a mechanically cooled HgCdTe 320×480-pixel CHROMA device that operates at 85K. MISE is controlled by a Data Processing Unit (DPU), which includes the spacecraft communication interface, power supply, scanner electronics, on-board memory, and instrument processing. The DPU is currently being assembled and tested at the Applied Physics Lab. MISE instrument integration and test is expect to start in the fall.
This poster will present an overview of the science goals, instrument design, and instrument development status.