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Digital Identifiers in a Refereed Archive: PDS SBN Case Studies

Presentation #211.05 in the session “Asteroid Surveys: Sifting through the Data”.

Published onOct 26, 2020
Digital Identifiers in a Refereed Archive: PDS SBN Case Studies

The use of digital identifiers, specifically DOIs, to provide traceability and citeability for research datasets is rapidly becoming expected practice for repositories and journal editors alike. The Planetary Data System (PDS) is a refereed archive for planetary data, and the Small Bodies Node (SBN) is looking to DOIs to provide both career credit for data creators, who shepherd data through the refereeing process, and reproducibility for end-users wanting to cite entire datasets, or selected products, in their published research. The SBN holdings are diverse and include not only data from NASA missions, but also from groundbased observations, from international collaborations (e.g., Rosetta and Hayabusa), and, within the next year, from surveys like ATLAS and the Catalina Sky Survey. In addition to these traditional data sources, the Minor Planet Center, also part of the SBN, is looking to DOIs to enhance the discoverability and usability of its publications. SBN is developing policies and procedures to address the needs and desires of its widely varied data creators and end-users. We will present the policies and procedures developed so far, plans for implementation, and examples of DOI applications across the spectrum of small bodies data.

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