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Physical properties of near-Earth Asteroids manually recovered from NEOWISE data

Presentation #409.07 in the session “Asteroids: NEOs Physical Properties 1”.

Published onOct 26, 2020
Physical properties of near-Earth Asteroids manually recovered from NEOWISE data

The NEOWISE spacecraft has been conducting an all-sky infrared survey to find and characterize near-Earth objects (NEOs) since December 2013. Automated survey processing software extracts detections of moving objects and links them into tracklets that are reported to the Minor Planet Center. A subset of NEOs will fall outside the automated search parameter requirements. Because NEOWISE archives the full-frame images, it is possible to search for detections of previously known objects that were missed by the automated algorithm. We discuss our search for these missed objects that resulted in manual recovery of 299 NEOs. The NEOWISE infrared data allow us to perform thermal modeling, deriving diameters and albedos for these objects. We also discuss the uncertainties on the derived physical properties expected from our thermal modeling of these detections.

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