Presentation #410.02 in the session “Education and Community Engagement 1”.
Astro[sound]bites is an astronomy podcast hosted by three graduate students, designed to communicate recent research results to early-career scientists and the general public in an engaging and accessible manner. Inspired by the popular Astrobites research blog, astro[sound]bites explores the methods and findings of research papers and synthesizes them in the context of ongoing research in the field. Each episode centers around a theme, and the podcast regularly employs interviews with academics at every stage. Occasional “beyond” episodes, in the style of Astrobites, tackle additional topics in academia such as representation in astronomy and atypical career paths. Over 20 episodes have been published across multiple platforms, totalling 3500+ downloads from six continents. Because astronomy is often conveyed visually, astro[sound]bites provides a crucial resource for auditory STEM learning that is freely accessible around the world. In this talk, we will describe how and why we started astro[sound]bites, the ways it can be used as an educational resource, and our upcoming plans for expansion.