Presentation #209.03 in the session “AGN and Quasars 2”.
Cosmological simulations indicate 16% of observed mergers should be triple AGN mergers, however, only a few have been detected and confirmed. Here we present a spatially resolved spectroscopy of a triple AGN merger, SDSS J0849+1114, with the Spectrometre Imageur a Transformee de Fourier pour l'Etude en Long et en Large de raies d'Emission (SITELLE) instrument at the Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). We use these observations together with ancillary MIR and FIR observations to determine the ionized gas kinematics, star-formation rates, and dust properties. These measurements may help reveal how the gas reservoir is consumed, the impact of the merger on the intergalactic medium, and the scarcity of the known three-AGN system.