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The Lyman Alpha Equivalent Width distribution and Escape Fraction of z~2 Dwarf galaxies

Presentation #219.01 in the session “High Redshift Galaxies”.

Published onJan 11, 2021
The Lyman Alpha Equivalent Width distribution and Escape Fraction of z~2 Dwarf galaxies

We present Keck/LRIS spectra of more than 100 highly magnified z~2 dwarf galaxies behind three lensing galaxy clusters. Using the blue arm of LRIS we obtain rest-UV spectra allowing us to measure the Lyman alpha emission/absorption line. We measure the Lyman-alpha rest-frame equivalent widths and luminosities and compare to other samples with different mass and/or redshift. These data are complimented by MOSFIRE rest-frame optical spectra of nebular emission lines, namely and , which we use to determine dust extinction and the intrinsic recombination rate. We then compare our measured Lyα luminosities to the predicted intrinsic luminosities to determine the escape fraction of Lyα photons.

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