Presentation #219.03 in the session “High Redshift Galaxies”.
UVCANDELS is a cycle-26 HST Treasury Program that was allocated 164 orbits of WFC3/F275W with ACS/F435W in parallel in the four premier CANDELS fields: GOODS-N, GOODS-S, EGS, and COSMOS. This amounts to an area of ~430 arcmin2 with a 5-sigma depth of 27 ABmag for point sources, quadrupling the UV coverage in these legacy fields when combined with archival data. This unique treasury dataset enables a variety of scientific investigations, greatly augmenting the legacy value of the forthcoming JWST observations in the CANDELS fields. In this presentation, we first give a brief overview of our improved data calibration method. We will present early science results on the search for ionizing radiation from spectroscopically confirmed targets at z>2.4, as well as limits on the Lyman continuum escape fraction estimated using an image stacking technique. We will also discuss the implications of our measured escape fraction limits on the cosmic reionization.