Presentation #237.02 in the session “Extrasolar Planets: Atmospheres 1”.
With a large variety of observations available for some exoplanets and the development of sophisticated software suites, we are now able to conduct comprehensive global analyses to understand their composition and atmospheric properties. Here we present a global analysis of Spitzer observations, TESS photometry, ground-based transits/eclipses, and radial velocities for the known hot Jupiter KELT-14b (WASP-122 b). Specifically, we analyze 13 transits from TESS, 17 transits from ground-based facilities, eclipse observations in the K and H-bands from the Anglo-Australian Telescope, and Spitzer 3.6/4.5 micron phase curves and eclipses to provide one of the most extensive analysis of a planetary system to date. We will present these results and KELT-14 b’s prospects for future observations with JWST.