Presentation #327.02 in the session “The Nancy Grace Roman Telescope”.
The Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) will serve as the Science Operations Center for NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope (formerly WFIRST), expected to launch in 2025. The Roman Space Telescope will provide HST-like spatial resolution in the infrared but with a field-of-view nearly 100 times larger than HST. Even for single pointings, these faster optics will provide data sets comparable to large survey missions with previous generation space-based observatories. In addition, wide-field slitless spectroscopy capabilities (grism/prism) will allow for characterization of multiple classes of galaxies from nearby dwarf galaxies to the host of the most massive BH at high redshif. Taken together, these capabilities provide the community with a powerful survey-focused observatory, enabling ambitious cosmology to ISM studies. We will discuss the role of STScI in the instrument calibrations, observation, data archiving, commissioning, and community support. We highlight strategies for user support and data access to enhance synergies across missions, wavelengths, and to promote access and equity.