Presentation #328.06 in the session “High Redshift Galaxies”.
The Hawaii EROsita Ecliptic pole Survey encompasses nearly 24 million sources on 45 deg2 of sky near the North Ecliptic Pole. Imaging in 7 broadband filters (UgrizyJ) and 2 narrowband filters makes this dataset a prime location to look for Lyman-Break-Galaxies starting at z∼3. These galaxies are of particular interest as they are young galaxies that are crucial to studying galaxy evolution. By specifically looking at color between the u’, g, and r filters, we were able to select 2,370 dropout candidates based on color, photometric ”spectrum”, and morphology constraints. Photometric redshifts were calculated for those candidates which confirmed a population of galaxies at z∼3. We then constructed a luminosity function for the sources.