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Shocked Poststarburst Galaxies: Searching for Outflows to Explain Quenching

Presentation #341.02 in the session “Galaxy Quenching”.

Published onJan 11, 2021
Shocked Poststarburst Galaxies: Searching for Outflows to Explain Quenching

We present follow-up longslit optical spectroscopy for 30+ Shocked POststarburst Galaxy (SPOG) candidates. The Shocked Poststarburst Galaxy Survey defines poststarburst galaxies with shock-heated gas that are transitioning from star forming to quiescent. SPOGs candidates are selected to have cuts to the S/N of the diagnostic emission lines, Balmer absorption indicating A stars and nebular emission lines that are consistent with shock emission and not exclusive to star formation. SPOGs galaxies do not contain much star formation, although they have a normal amount of molecular gas. This suggests that some quenching process is suppressing star formation. In principle, the shock-heated gas may be a side effect of that quenching process, and studying it can give clues to what’s triggering these transitions. We have observed 30 galaxies with the SPOGs criteria selection using the DeVeny Spectrograph on the Lowell Discovery Telescope. By using longslit optical spectra along the minor axes of these galaxies, we are looking for neutral and shocked gas tracing outflows extending beyond the galactic disk. Signatures of extraplanar emission are evident in the raw 2D spectra of several targets. We also placed slits along the major axes of these galaxies to track the progress of quenching along the disks.

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