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An Analysis of the Relation Between Strong Gravitational Lensing Strength and the Physical Properties of Galaxy Clusters

Presentation #347.03 in the session “Gravitational Lensing”.

Published onJan 11, 2021
An Analysis of the Relation Between Strong Gravitational Lensing Strength and the Physical Properties of Galaxy Clusters

Strong gravitational lensing provides a unique opportunity to investigate the mass distribution at the cores of galaxy clusters and to study high redshift galaxies. Thanks to large surveys of lensing clusters, strong lensing models are now available for large samples of massive clusters. Using 99 strong lensing models of 72 cluster fields from the Reionization Lensing Cluster Survey (RELICS), Hubble Frontier Fields (HFF), and SDSS Giant Arcs Survey (SGAS), modeled with three parametric approaches, we evaluate the lensing strength of each cluster. We assess how large scale mass, inner core mass, and the inner slope of the projected mass density profile relate to lensing strength. While we do not identify a strong correlation between lensing strength and large scale mass, we reveal that the inner slope (50kpc < r < 200kpc) of the projected mass density profile is indicative of lensing strength and can set an upper bound on the possible lensing strength of a cluster. These results add to our understanding of how cluster properties influence lensing strength and can help to more efficiently design future observations to maximize lensing strength.

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