Presentation #348.13 in the session “Star Formation”.
ISOSS J23053+5953 SMM2 is a rare example of a high-mass protostar in the phase of rapid mass accretion, but still before the formation of a prominent hot core region. SMM2 is located in a molecular core of about 26 Msol within 8000 AU with clear signs of infall, and the age of the system was previously estimated to be between ∼5×103 and 3.6×104 yr. We have recently used the SMA to perform CO(2-1) observations toward ISOSS J23053+5953 SMM2 and discovered a highly collimated and fast outflow, together with a broader, lower velocity component. In addition, our VLA continuum data reveal the presence of compact ionized gas at the center of the core, likely arising from a thermal jet from the high-mass protostar. Our estimates of the outflow mass (45 Msol), momentum (4.3×102 Msol km s−1), mass loss rate (6×10−4 Msol yr−1), and other energetic parameters are consistent with a high-mass protostar as the driving source. Furthermore, the dynamical time scale of the flow and the radio luminosity of the source confirm the extreme youth of this massive young stellar object. In this contribution, we will present a detailed investigation of the nature of the CO outflow and the evolutionary status of the system.