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Galaxy Zoo 3D: Crowdsourcing the identification of internal structure and foreground stars in MaNGA bundles.

Presentation #351.08 in the session “Star Formation in Galaxies”.

Published onJan 11, 2021
Galaxy Zoo 3D: Crowdsourcing the identification of internal structure and foreground stars in MaNGA bundles.

Galaxies, particularly disc galaxies, show a wide variety of internal structures (e.g. spirals, bars, and bulges) . Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory (MaNGA, part of the fourth incarnation of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys or SDSS-IV), has obtained spatially resolved spectral maps for 10,010 nearby galaxies selected from the SDSS Main Galaxy Sample. Many results from MaNGA have collapsed internal galaxy structure into azimuthally averaged radial gradients, or symmetric 2D shapes, but there is significantly more information about the effect internal structures have on the evolution of galaxies available if we can identify different internal structures. One of the simplest ways to identify irregular internal structures in galaxies is by visual inspection. By employing a citizen science technique to ask this question of N independent volunteers we have obtained quantitatively robust masks (and errors) for spirals and bars in MaNGA target galaxies. In addition to internal features the interface asked users to identify foreground stars and foreground/background galaxies. This project ran as a Zooniverse Citizen Science project, built using the Project Builder ( We review the project, provide a guide on how to make use of the output, and hi-light some already published, or in progress results.

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