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Galactic Outflows Throughout the Universe Revealed by a Next-Generation Very Large Array

Presentation #401.03 in the session “New Views of Galaxy Formation and Evolution”.

Published onJan 11, 2021
Galactic Outflows Throughout the Universe Revealed by a Next-Generation Very Large Array

Galactic outflows and winds influence the evolution of galaxies over a huge range of physical and temporal scales, and are critical to establishing many of the most fundamental connections known between mass, gas supply, star formation, metallicity, and black hole mass. Although outflows contain gas over many orders of magnitude in temperature in density, cold molecular outflows are especially interesting because they can directly remove the fuel for future star formation. Future facilities promise a revolution in our understanding of outflows using observations across the electromagnetic spectrum, capable of exquisite resolution in the nearby universe and the sensitivity to detect outflows even from “normal” galaxies into the early universe. As part of this Special Session, I will give a brief overview of the state of our understanding of molecular outflows in 2020, my expectations for where this field could be by 2030, and the transformative capabilities promised by future facilities such as the Next Generation VLA.

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