Presentation #409.02 in the session “Supernovae 2”.
Superluminous Supernovae (SLSNe) are a rare class of supernovae with luminosity 10-100 times greater than standard supernovae. It is still unknown exactly what powers SLSNe, though different models have been proposed for both Type I (hydrogen poor) and Type II (hydrogen rich) SLSNe, such as powering by a central engine (particularly Type I) or interactions with circumstellar material. Studying emission from these objects can help constrain the models and provide a better understanding of what makes these supernovae so optically bright. This project studied high-energy gamma-ray emission (600 MeV to above 300 GeV) from two Type I SLSNe, SN2015bn and SN2017egm, by performing binned likelihood analyses of data from the Fermi-LAT, in support of a study of the same sources using data from VERITAS in the 200 GeV to 10 TeV energy range (Ribeiro, D., et al., 2020, BAAS, 52, 3). No gamma-ray emission was detected from either source in this energy range, but upper limits on flux and luminosity were derived. An analysis was also carried out on the recently-detected source SN2020jhm, and an update will be presented; also, prospects for future observations with existing or planned facilities will be outlined.