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Dependence of Simulated Supernova Yields on Explosion Morphology

Presentation #409.04 in the session “Supernovae 2”.

Published onJan 11, 2021
Dependence of Simulated Supernova Yields on Explosion Morphology

We present a series of asymmetric supernova simulations in three dimensions, including a state-of-the-art model seeded with realistic convective asymmetries from a 3D stellar evolution model, the first supernova simulation of its kind. Using comparative analysis and visualization of this set of supernova models, we explore the influence of asymmetries on the nucleosynthetic yields of the explosion. Observations of real supernova remnants and computer models alike frequently exhibit aspherical morphologies, but their detailed thermodynamic consequences and the ultimate effects on yields are poorly understood. Our simulations use the SNSPH code with additional post-processing to predict spatially mapped yields over a network of 524 isotopes. In addition to the newest 15-solar-mass convective asymmetry model, our models include imposed symmetric, unipolar, and bipolar geometries for 15- and 20-solar-mass progenitors. Across the spectrum of models, we examine how small changes in the peak temperatures and densities experienced by ejecta can influence the production of the radioisotopes 44Ti and 56Ni in alpha-rich freezeout conditions. Emission lines from the decay of both isotopes are observed in Cassiopeia A and other supernova remnants, so our simulations may be able to shed light on the conditions that characterized these real supernovae.

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