Presentation #417.02 in the session “Extrasolar Planets: Direct Imaging 1”.
The Subaru Coronagraphic Extreme Adaptive Optics Project (SCExAO) coupled to the CHARIS integral field spectrograph now achieve infrared high-contrast images rivaling those of any other system in the world. This talk summarizes direct imaging discoveries obtained with SCExAO/CHARIS over the past year. New systems include a low-mass ratio brown dwarf with a dynamical mass, a planet-like eccentricity, and an atmosphere providing a key reference point to planets like HR 8799 cde; a low-mass 7 au-separation companion to a dusty A star; a candidate self-luminous planet around an early-type star; and a candidate wide-separation protoplanet. We describe how our nascent survey is yielding a far higher detection rate than blind surveys from GPI and SPHERE and the path forward for imaging and characterizing planets at lower masses and smaller orbital separations than previously possible.