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Cooling of Accretion Disc Coronae by Type I X-ray Bursts

Presentation #436.02 in the session “HMXBs and Superorbital Modulation”.

Published onJan 11, 2021
Cooling of Accretion Disc Coronae by Type I X-ray Bursts

Although accretion disc coronae appear to be common in many accreting systems, their fundamental properties remain insufficiently understood. Recent work suggests that Type I X-ray bursts from accreting neutron stars provide an opportunity to probe the characteristics of coronae. Several studies have observed hard X-ray shortages from the accretion disk during an X-ray burst implying strong coronal cooling by burst photons. I will present simulation results done with the plasma emission code EQPAIR to study the impact of X-ray bursts on coronae, and how the coronal and burst properties affect the coronal electron temperatures and emitted spectra.

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