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On the nature of a Fermi unidentified source

Presentation #436.04 in the session “HMXBs and Superorbital Modulation”.

Published onJan 11, 2021
On the nature of a Fermi unidentified source

The REALFAST commensal fast transient system that has been running alongside the L-Band of the VLA detected 4 bright pulses. All these four pulses had a consistent DM ~1000 pc/cc and came from a position coincident with the 95% gamma-ray error ellipses of 3FGLJ1818.7-1528 using 4 years of Fermi data (Acero et al., 2015) and 4FGL J1818.6-1533 using 8 years of Fermi data (The Fermi-LAT collaboration, 2019). For this direction and DM, the NE2001 predicted distance is ~ 10 kpc. Follow-up observations with GBT have also detected a few more bright pulses with a DM consistent with the VLA detection. It is not yet clear what the nature of the single pulse source is or its association with the Fermi source. Here we are trying to find the nature of the source, whether it is a MSP, RRAT, or a young pulsar?

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