Presentation #507.05 in the session “Planetary Nebulae, Supernova Remnants”.
New spatially-resolved XMM-Newton hard X-ray data of the near Chandrasekhar mass (Mch) galactic SNR 3C 397 offers a direct window into its progenitor white dwarf (WD) and explosion mechanism. I will directly compare the spatially-resolved 3C 397 XMM-Newton data against multidimensional near-Mch hydrodynamical models. Results will be presented for a suite of SN Ia hydrodynamic models performed using the adaptive mesh refinement based code FLASH in multi-dimensions, which are post-processed through a nuclear network to obtain and compare the final IGE abundances. I will discuss the implications for the structure of the near-Mch white dwarf progenitor of 3C 397 as well as for the ignition and detonation mechanism of SNe Ia.