Presentation #551.08 in the session “Supernova”.
Type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia) are some of the most luminous and consequential events in astronomy. The precise progenitor systems and explosion mechanisms that drive SNe Ia are still unknown however. A more accurate depiction of the origin of SNe Ia would serve to improve their contributions to many areas of research, including nucleosynthesis, galaxy evolution, and cosmology. An explosion scenario that has gained traction recently is the double detonation in which an accreted shell of helium detonates and triggers a secondary detonation in the underlying white dwarf. Our research presents a number of high resolution, multidimensional, full star simulations of thin-helium-shell white dwarf progenitors of varying core masses and shell thicknesses that undergo a double detonation. We confirm the viability of the double detonation across a wide range of helium shell parameter space as well as present bulk yields and ejecta profiles for each progenitor. The yields obtained are generally consistent with previous works and indicate the likelihood of producing observables that resemble SNe Ia. The dimensionality of our simulations allow us to examine features of the double detonation more closely, including the details of the off-center secondary ignition and asymmetric ejecta. We find drastic differences in the high-velocity extent of post-detonation products across different lines of sight. The data from this work will be used to generate predicted observables and thus may further support the viability of the double detonation scenario as a SNe Ia channel as well as show how properties of the progenitor or viewing angle may influence trends in observable characteristics.