Presentation #1129 in the session “Open Engagement Session B”.
In its extended mission, The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) continues to search for cool planet candidates on wide orbits. Some of these planet candidates are expected to be small, terrestrial, and in the habitable zone, motivating the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) on these targets. Some TESS Objects of Interests (TOIs) are also opportune multiplanetary systems, enabling planet candidates to be confirmed relatively more easily. In the Solar System, most radio communication between the Earth and spacecraft is emitted along the ecliptic. Transiting planets, with their ecliptic directed in our line of sight, provide an opportunity to probe such communication in exoplanetary systems. Furthermore, stars with multiple transiting planets allow enhanced SETI opportunities by eavesdropping on interplanetary communications of a potential advanced civilization. We present a SETI prioritization scheme to rank TOIs in terms of their habitability potential. Based on this target selection, we also provide a status update on the SETI follow-up of opportune TOIs as part of the SETIwTESS working group.