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Multi-broadband Transit Photometry at Wyoming Infrared Observatory

Presentation #1242 in the session “Open Engagement Session C”.

Published onMar 17, 2021
Multi-broadband Transit Photometry at Wyoming Infrared Observatory

Optical transmission spectra of transiting exoplanets are excellent probes of detecting scattering in atmospheres of giant planets. Different sources of scattering, such as Rayleigh scattering, can imprint distinctive features in the spectra and provide constraints on the presence of clouds or hazes. Throughout summer 2020 we observed planetary transits using the 2.3m Wyoming Infrared Observatory. With an ensemble of 4 Sloan ugri filters across multiple transit events, we have created ultra-low resolution transmission spectra. We present preliminary, high cadence, multi-broadband transit photometry of HAT-P-7b, HAT-P-14b, HAT-P-41b, HD 189733b, KELT-9b, KELT-23Ab, KOI-13b and WASP-48b. Various analysis were performed with Markov-Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and Gaussian processes to infer the planets radius and characterize the atmosphere. Our analysis can also be used to improve periods and mid-transit times and to search for transit timing variations that may indicate the presence of other planets.

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