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Ultrasociality, Goods Theory, and Primitive Agriculture in Cosmopolitan Earth and Putative Extraterrestial Microbial Symbionts

Whitepaper #026 submitted to the Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey 2023-2032. Topics: life and prebiotic organics; other science themes: Sociobiology of Early Life

Published onMar 18, 2021
Ultrasociality, Goods Theory, and Primitive Agriculture in Cosmopolitan Earth and Putative Extraterrestial Microbial Symbionts

Farming microbes select vital tradeoffs favoring economics-reliant ultrasociality, a superior collective state derived from multilevel sociogenetic effects. This public-goods interpretation yields better insights into sociobiological transitions on Earth and model habitable worlds, including consumer drivers of life histories and biospheres.

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