The evolution of habitable environments on terrestrial planets: Insights and knowledge gaps from studying the geologic record of Mars
Whitepaper #189 submitted to the Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey 2023-2032. Topics: surface/geological evolution; habitability and water; Mars
by Briony Horgan, Janice L. Bishop, Adrian Brown, Wendy Calvin, Christopher Edwards, Abigail Fraeman, Tim Goudge, Linda C. Kah, Edwin Kite, Kennda Lynch, Ramses M. Ramirez, Elizabeth Rampe, William Rapin, Melissa Rice, Frances Rivera-Hernández, Kathryn Stack, Jesse Tarnas, Allan Treiman, and Christina Viviano
Published onMar 18, 2021
The evolution of habitable environments on terrestrial planets: Insights and knowledge gaps from studying the geologic record of Mars
We have made enormous strides in determining the range of habitable environments that existed on ancient Mars, but there is now a pressing need for new data to understand what factors in planetary evolution lead to sustained habitable environments on Mars and other Earth-like worlds.