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Planetary and Astrobiology Blank Papers: Science White Papers Cancelled or Downscaled Due to Direct Impact of COVID-19 and National-scale Civil Action

Whitepaper #225 submitted to the Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey 2023-2032. Topics: other planetary bodies: Multiple targets above; other science themes: Multiple categories above

Published onMar 18, 2021
Planetary and Astrobiology Blank Papers: Science White Papers Cancelled or Downscaled Due to Direct Impact of COVID-19 and National-scale Civil Action

A significant number of community members intended to submit white papers but were unable to do so due to effects of COVID-19 and disruptions due to recent national civil action. This list informs the Decadal Survey of some of those missing voices, providing a resource for the Committees to fill gaps caused by barriers to participation.

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