Forging Partnerships with Other Federal Programs: NASA and the National Science Foundation (NSF) through Scientific Ocean Drilling
Whitepaper #510 submitted to the Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey 2023-2032. Topics: field studies; other: Connections with other Federal Agencies
by Clive Neal, Sean P. S. Gulick, Brett Baker, Steve D'Hondt, Nobu Eguchi, Tracy Gregg, Fumio Inagaki, Anthony Koppers, Charity M. Lander, Daniel Moriarty, Yuki Morono, Beth Orcutt, Ross Potter, Maureen Raymo, Mitch Schulte, Sonia Tikoo, and Marta Torres
Published onMar 18, 2021
Forging Partnerships with Other Federal Programs: NASA and the National Science Foundation (NSF) through Scientific Ocean Drilling
We urge a concerted effort between NASA and NSF be created to establish closer research cooperation and collaboration that takes advantage of scientific ocean drilling (IODP) infrastructure, data, and samples to advance analogue research.