Presentation #304.04 in the session “Orbital Resonance in Multi-Planet Systems”.
The Kepler Prime mission discovered ~700 exoplanetary systems of multiple transiting planets where interesting dynamical interactions can be investigated to simultaneously characterize the physical and orbital properties of planetary systems. While other missions (like K2, TESS, and ground-based surveys) continue to discover new exoplanets, Kepler’s dataset is still by far the largest in both quantity and quality. As a homogeneous dataset, it is also the most amenable to determining the true underlying properties of exoplanets which is crucial for understanding the formation and evolution of planetary systems. There is still a significant amount of work left on this dataset. I will focus my presentation on our work towards determining the underlying mass-radius distribution of exoplanets. While planet-planet interactions are usually too weak to be detected, there are hundreds of planets where interesting mass constraints can be placed. We connect an n-body integrator to a direct light curve fitter in our PhotoDynamical Multiplanet Model (PhoDyMM), which avoids some of the weaknesses of previous analyses. We will present results from our ongoing project to apply PhoDyMM to all ~700 Kepler multi-transiting systems.