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ALMA Imaging of Planetary Nebulae: HCN, HCO⁺ and CO

Presentation #114.04 in the session “Evolved Stars”.

Published onJun 18, 2021
ALMA Imaging of Planetary Nebulae: HCN, HCO⁺ and CO

Images of the J = 3 →2 transitions of HCN and HCO+, as well as the J = 2→1 line of CO, have been made of the planetary nebulae M2-48, M1-7, and M3-28 using the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) at 1.2 mm with 1 arcsec spatial resolution. CO was also observed towards the PNe K3-45 and K3-58. Towards M1-7, the distributions of HCN and HCO+ emission are virtually identical, and trace a clear bipolar morphology, as seen in optical image of this object. The CO emission, in contrast, is somewhat more extended. HCN and HCO+ in M2-48 both have emission towards the central star, as well as two bipolar lobes, while CO traces a simple bar-like structure linking the lobes. As imaged in CO, the morphology of K3-45 is clearly bipolar, while that of M3-28 is quadrupolar. K3-58 appears to have a bipolar clumps embedded in a ring surrounding the central star. These images, and their interpretation, will be presented.

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