Presentation #129.01 in the session “Starburst Galaxies and AGN”.
Using the ZEUS 1 and 2 INvestigated Galaxy Reference Sample, ZINGRS, we have been working to understand the properties and evolution of galaxies in the early Universe. The sample consists of more than ~30 galaxies from z ~ 1–4.5 for which the far-IR fine-structure lines (e.g. [CII] 158 micron, [NII] 122micron, [OIII] 88 micron) have been observed with the ZEUS-1 and 2 instruments. These lines are ideal for studying high-z systems since they require low energies for excitation, are typically optically thin, and are not susceptible to extinction from dust. Recently we have sought to extend this work through the Neutral Oxygen Survey at High-redshift, NOSH. To date there have been few high-z detections of either the 63 or 145 micron line of [OI], even in ZINGRS, owing to their short wavelength and faint expected line luminosity respectively. NOSH aims to remedy this situation by leveraging the sensitivity of ALMA to survey of the [OI] 145 micron line 24 galaxies at z ~ 3–6.5 with existing [CII] detections. As pilot to this study we recently detected the [OI] line in galaxy SDSS J2054-0005 at z~6. Here we describe ZINGRS, NOSH and the results of the analysis of our [OI] detection of J2054, which suggests this quasar host is site of intense star formation and high gas densities similar to local ultra-luminous IR galaxies.