Presentation #205.04 in the session “Solar Physics Division (SPD): Corona & ARs and Photosphere/Chromosphere”.
Large- and small-scale jets and upflows observed in the lower atmosphere of the quiet Sun (QS) are thought to play an important role in the transfer of mass and energy from the dense chromosphere into the corona. However, their origin and connection to dynamic magnetic fields are not yet well understood and explored. Type II spicules are a subset of these small-scale phenomena discovered in off-limb Hinode data. Although their formation may affect the corona by generating shocks, flows, waves, and electric currents, their detailed physical cause and role in providing mass and energy to the corona remain largely unknown. Here we will present recent progress in studying type II spicules facilitated by data from the Goode Solar Telescope. Various data sets and approaches to analysis all seem to indicate that these events result from magnetic reconnection driven by rapidly varying small-scale magnetic fields present in highly turbulent solar photosphere. In particular, we observe very rapid morphological changes on timescales of the order of 1 s. They very frequently appear in situ without any clear evidence of H-alpha material being injected from below. Their evolution includes various splitting patterns as well as sudden formation of a diffuse region followed by branching. These observations suggest that faint and numerous type II spicules may be formed as a result of component reconnection within a bundle of unipolar large scale fields.