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Formation of Coronal Flux Rope and Development of Blowout Jet due to Magnetic Flux Emergence from the Solar Interior

Presentation #213.13 in the session “Solar Physics Division (SPD): Analysis Techniques and CMEs and Jets”.

Published onJun 18, 2021
Formation of Coronal Flux Rope and Development of Blowout Jet due to Magnetic Flux Emergence from the Solar Interior

We present 3D MHD simulations of a blowout jet formation from the emergence of a twisted magnetic flux tube from the solar interior, through the photosphere, into the corona. We explicitly incorporate the solar corona’s non-adiabatic effects, including simple empirical coronal heating, optically thin radiative cooling, and field-aligned thermal conduction. In the presence of an inclined ambient field in our study, a coronal flux rope with an inverse configuration is formed. We find that the coronal flux rope formed in our simulations is not due to the subsurface flux tube’s bodily emergence but due to the rotation of the field lines above the PIL. This rotation arises from the shearing and twisting motions at footpoints of the field lines, which transport twist from the interior flux rope into the corona. 

A parameter survey with varying lengths of the subsurface flux tube’s buoyant segment and different orientations of the inclined ambient field is carried out in this work. We find that the formation of a rotating blowout jet is a robust phenomenon in these cases. The coronal flux rope’s emerging core field erupts due to external magnetic reconnection with the ambient field, thus transferring the twist from the flux tube to the open field jet column. Interestingly, a subsurface flux tube with a shorter buoyant section leads to a relatively earlier jet eruption due to smaller anchoring at the photosphere. The jet eruption’s energetics also highlight the relative importance of shear Poynting flux than the vertical Poynting flux in the relatively earlier jet eruption. 

This work is supported in part by the NASA LWS grant 80NSSC19K0070 to NCAR.

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