Presentation #213.15 in the session “Solar Physics Division (SPD): Analysis Techniques and CMEs and Jets”.
Current models for solar coronal jets generally suggest that they are formed by magnetic reconnection between open and closed magnetic field lines, but details of the triggering process for such magnetic reconnection are still not fully clear. Here we report observations of a set of coronal jets on November 13 2014 using data from the Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) and the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA). Usually, hot plasma in a coronal jet is located near the reconnection site or the base of the jet, as suggested by most models. However, for the first and one of the later jets in this series, RHESSI found strong hard x-ray (HXR) emissions at the top of the jet, well-modeled by an isothermal distribution, which indicates the existence of hot material at the top. The differential emission measure (DEM) analysis with AIA data shows qualitatively consistent results with RHESSI observations, and we present a comparison between HXR flux deduced from AIA DEMs and HXR flux directly measured by RHESSI. To identify possible drivers for those jets, we calculate the jet speeds in multiple AIA filters and compare them with, for example, the upper limit of chromospheric evaporation. This work will provide new constraints on mechanisms for coronal jet formation.