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Improved RHESSI Imaging Spectroscopy Of Extended Hard X-ray Sources

Presentation #313.08 in the session “Solar Physics Division (SPD): Instrumentation and Active Regions”.

Published onJun 18, 2021
Improved RHESSI Imaging Spectroscopy Of Extended Hard X-ray Sources

New techniques for the analysis of RHESSI hard X-ray observations will be presented to show how best to characterize real extended sources and eliminate false ones. New and improved tools for achieving these goals include (1) establishing the relative sensitivity of the different detector segments averaged both over a full 4 s rotation and over the short (ms) time scales of the rapid modulation, (2) accounting for pulse pile-up that affects each detector output differently depending on its sensitivity, and (3) using the visibility forward-fit (Vis_FwdFit) image reconstruction algorithm to obtain spectra of individual sources. Examples of the improved imaging spectroscopy will be given for several events including the M4 flare on 17 March 2002 and the X1.5 flare on 21 April 2002.

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