Presentation #313.03 in the session “Io & Venus: The Surfaces and Atmospheres of Two Volcanic Worlds”.
We collected a set of published, higher-order data products of Jupiter’s volcanic moon Io, and assembled them in a downloadable ArcGIS™ database we are calling the Io GIS Database, version 1.0. The purpose of this Database is to collect image, topographic, geologic, and thermal emission data of Io in one geospatially registered location, to form the data component of an Io planetary spatial data infrastructure (PSDI). The goals of an Io PSDI are: 1) to make higher-order data products more accessible and usable to the broader planetary science community, particularly to new scientists who were not associated with the projects that obtained or generated the original data; 2) to enable new scientific studies with the data; and 3) to create a tool to support observation planning for future Io-focused planetary missions. In this presentation we describe the motivation behind our project, discuss the datasets acquired for this first version of the Database, and demonstrate how they can be used. We conclude with discussion of how our Database relates to other PSDIs and our plans for future updates. This work will appear in a forthcoming issue of the Planetary Science Journal (in press). The Io Database can be downloaded at this URL: The Io GIS Database presents its data in ArcGIS (data also duplicated in ASU's JMARS software), using a Simple Cylindrical projection centered on the antijovian point (0˚, 180˚W), because the Galileo mission obtained its best imaging over the antijovian hemisphere. We included the latest named surface features from the USGS Planetary Nomenclature website, as well as a graticule displaying a 30˚ latitude-longitude grid. Having Io data from the 1970s, 1990s, 2000s, and 2010s in this Database enables comparisons and shows the evolution in interpretation of Io’s geologic features, particularly between the Voyager and Galileo eras. Importantly, the thermal hot spot datasets include attribute tables, which contain details on recorded thermal activity at every location on Io, covering a time period between 1996-2018. By checking the power, area, and temperature variations at hot spots of interest, it is possible to investigate the waxing and waning of volcanic activity over this twenty year time period. Acknowledgments: This project was funded by a 1-yr grant #80NSSC19K0412 from NASA’s Planetary Data Archiving, Restoration, and Tools (PDART) program, with GIS support provided by the Ronald Greeley Center for Planetary Studies, the NASA Regional Planetary Information Facility (RPIF) at ASU under grant #80NSSC17K0293.