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How Saturn Could Create Rings by Itself. The Role of the Third Force of Diamagnetic Expulsion and the Mechanism of the Magnetic Anisotropic Accretion

Presentation #411.07 in the session “Origins, Formation and Dynamical Systems”.

Published onOct 03, 2021
How Saturn Could Create Rings by Itself. The Role of the Third Force of Diamagnetic Expulsion and the Mechanism of the Magnetic Anisotropic Accretion

To show how Saturn could create rings due to own magnetic field we suggest additional mechanism of magnetic anisotropic accretion. So, the angular momentum conservation within gravitational interaction is not only reason for collision-induced flattening of the spinning cloud of particles around Saturn. May be earlier not all possible interactions of ice particles in the protoplanetary cloud were taken into account. It is amazing how disc of rings is so perfectly composed of separated particles and it has strong flatness. Comparing ratio of thickness to length of paper sheet with the same ratio for disc we see disc will be thousand times thinner. How such a thin disk of huge diameter hangs stably in outer space? Cassini found the deuterium to hydrogen isotopic ratio for the ice of rings is the same as for the ice on Earth. From 17 types only ice XI is stable at the rings temperature, and it is diamagnetic. In the presence of gravitational force diamagnetism of 93% of ice in the particles brings appearance of additional third force of diamagnetic expulsion and action of magnetic anisotropic accretion due to inhomogeneous axisymmetric magnetic field of Saturn. So, new scenario of the rings origin is following. After the emergence of Saturn’s magnetic field and diamagnetic expulsion of particles, all chaotic orbits of the particles inside the protoplanetary cloud shifted to the plane of magnetic equator, where the minimum of their magnetic energy is observed. The equation for the particle’s polar angle in the superposition of spherically symmetric field of gravity and axisymmetric magnetic field has a singular solution at the magnetic equator plane and it explains the extraordinary rings flatness. As result, the cloud of particles surrounding Saturn ended up by collapsing into a disk with the particles orbiting in the planet’s magnetic equator plane. Solution saying against the purely gravitational approach to Saturn’s rings origin. Thus, a host of particles are forming the disk-shaped system of rings. The gravitational force in the orbit of the particle is balanced by the centrifugal force and the force of diamagnetic expulsion. Every particle on the magnetic equator comes to a stable position, and it prevents its horizontal and vertical shift. Magnetic field density gradient repels particles from each other; it also makes the gaps between rings and forms the rigid thin structure of separated rings. The particles are trapped within three-dimensional magnetic well. The existing theories are not denied, they contribute some features to the final picture of the rings structure. (Ref.:

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