Presentation #109.13 in the session “Multi-Messenger Astrophysics (Session)”.
The Multi Messenger/Time Domain Astrophysics (MMA/TDA) Virtual Observatory is a virtual nexus at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) that brings together current and planned activities, capabilities, and resources at GSFC and other institutions, to support MMA/TDA scientists around the world. The Virtual Observatory builds on the tradition of service to the community that is a trademark of GSFC, and aims at fostering cooperation and collaboration between the space and ground-based communities, and among scientists, engineers, software and infrastructure developers, and mission planners. Here we give a short synopsis of the services currently provided, to be augmented based on the needs of the community. To hear from the community and plan for future capabilities, we are organizing an international MMA/TDA workshop in late 2022 in the Washington, DC area. Contact [email protected] for more information.