Presentation #110.74 in the session “Stellar/Compact (Poster)”.
The soft MeV gamma-ray sky is one of the least explored regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. The technology utilized by Compton telescopes is optimally suited to access this energy range. Processing the measured data to produce images ready for scientific interpretation requires a well-understood detector setup and a multi-step data-analysis pipeline. The science collaboration for the Compton Spectrometer and Imager (COSI-SMEX), a NASA selected Small Explorers telescope scheduled for launch in 2025, is currently refining the development of the analysis capabilities in preparation for this mission. We present an overview of the analysis pipeline: The Compton measurement process and the Compton data space, the tools to perform simulations that match well with instrument calibrations, the reconstruction of the gamma-ray path in the detector, and high-level analysis tool, COSIpy, used for all-sky and discrete source imaging. We present the results of several gamma-ray source analyses using COSIpy (e.g., Crab, Cyg X-1), with data from the 2016 COSI long duration balloon-borne mission.