Presentation #301.03 in the session “First Results and Future Prospects from the Imaging X-ray Polarization Explorer (IXPE)”.
IXPE, now on orbit, has embarked on its first year of polarization observations, opening a new soft X-ray window on the physics of Galactic compact objects and resolved nebulae. Indeed the first data on supernova remnants, X-ray binaries and isolated neutron stars are expected by our meeting date. We summarize our mission plans, which promise a rich harvest of polarization measurements from a dozen Galactic source classes during year 1. In many cases, full exploitation of the polarization results requires supporting observations with other X-ray facilities and in other wavebands; plans for multiwavelength support of our early targets are mentioned. There is ample opportunity for the community to get involved, as our target schedule is posted, and context observations from many astrophysics facilities can be useful. Coverage of Galactic transient events will be particularly valuable. With no expendables, IXPE should be able to deliver additional, deeper studies during year two followed by a possible guest investigator program.