Presentation #100.03 in the session Disequilibrium in the Galactic Disk.
Stars born on near-circular orbits in spiral galaxies can subsequently migrate to different orbits due to interactions with non-axisymmetric disturbances within the disc such as bars or spiral arms. In this talk I will discuss the role of external influences on radial migration using the example of the interaction of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy (Sgr) with the Milky Way (MW). To understand this effect, we used a collisionless N-body simulation of a Sgr-like satellite interacting with a MW-like galaxy. For my talk I will show how tidal forcing from Sgr can produce changes in angular momentum and eccentricity of stellar orbits, and how the combination of this dynamical signature with other stellar observables like metallicity, may be used to distinguish between the different migration mechanisms shaping the chemical abundance patterns of the Milky Way’s thin disc.