Presentation #101.02 in the session Star Clusters.
A recent analysis of the kinematic data in Gaia has led to the discovery of multiple stellar streams in the Galactic disk. These comoving and young groups of stars can span several hundred parsecs in length and only tens of parsecs in width. Their chemical homogeneity and young age implies that stars residing in the stream might have a common origin. The lack of a central overdensity (core) along with their shape and age imply filamentary structure could be primordial. To investigate whether these young stellar stream could be a tidally stripped open cluster or primordial in nature, we run a set of dynamical N-body simulations of open clusters, modeled as King spheres with a wide range of initial masses and radii, in the Galactic potential and compared them against such stream, the Pisces-Eridanus (Psc-Eri). We show that the spatial distribution of stars in the Psc-Eri stream could not be fitted by a dynamically evolved open cluster, which argues in favor of its primordial filamentary structure.