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Repeated tidal disruption events in supermassive black hole binaries

Presentation #404.02 in the session Dynamics near supermassive Black Holes.

Published onApr 25, 2022
Repeated tidal disruption events in supermassive black hole binaries

Repeated Tidal Disruption Events (TDEs) have been recently reported as an intriguing phenomenon that takes place when a star on a bound orbit wanders too close to a supermassive black hole (SMBH). The star is only partially disrupted and it returns for a second encounter. Current observations suggest a few-years orbit for these stars. However, how do these stars migrate to such close distances without being completely disrupted? We propose a new mechanism that combines gravitational perturbations from a far-away SMBH companion with weak two-body interactions from the overall population of stars around the primary SMBH. We show that this new channel is not only efficient in yielding TDEs but it is also naturally producing repeated TDEs. Further, we demonstrate that the combination of those two is imperative to the formation of repeated TDEs.

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