Presentation #102.174 in the session Poster Session.
Warm Jupiters with extreme eccentricities or young ages are ideal test cases to examine the high-eccentricity tidal migration, disk migration, and in-situ formation origins of Warm Jupiters. We present two case studies of TESS Warm Jupiters and their follow-up observations using the CHIRON, Minerva-Australis, and NEID. The first has a super-eccentric orbit, analogous to HD 80606b, and is likely on the high-eccentricity tidal migration track. The second, at only a few hundred Myr old, has a nearly circular and aligned orbit. This latter planet is unlikely to have undergone high-eccentricity tidal migration; instead, it is likely to have originated via disk migration and/or in-situ formation. Two case studies might suggest multiple origins of Warm Jupiters.