Presentation #102.331 in the session Poster Session.
The detection and characterization of both gaseous and terrestrial exoplanets represents the frontier of exoplanet science. In particular, the performance of new and upcoming telescope/spectrograph combinations in this regime is a topic of great interest to many. However, while the capabilities of new instruments are often modeled well, these efforts are rarely joined with exoplanet analysis codes; as a result, important questions such as “Will ELT spectrographs deliver terrestrial planet detections?” have gone largely unexplored.
We present Carrie: a new, highly flexible spectrograph simulator. Given a number of inputs corresponding to the instrument, telescope, weather, and planet, Carrie calculates the detection significance of the input model. Results from simulations of the WINERED spectrograph in the ultra-hot Jupiter regime will be discussed as well as prospects for detecting smaller planets with ELTs.