Presentation #102.373 in the session Poster Session.
Studying the interactions between host stars and their near-orbiting planets, such as hot Jupiters, is a challenging task.Planets in tight orbits can experience tidal forces leading to tidal bulges on their surface. Consequently, the latter leads to a torque that modifies the eccentricity and semi-major axis of the planet’s orbit. This occurs if the bulge axis forms a non-zero angle with the line connecting the centres of the star and the planet. If the host star spins faster than the orbital velocity of the planet, the tidal evolution will lead the planet’s orbit to expand in radius.
The interaction of a planet with the circumstellar disk is becoming even more intriguing when one studies edge-on disks and tries to understand how the dust dynamics affects the planetary system architecture. Furthermore, the possible existence of already formed planets in protoplanetary disks is usually considered when gaps are observed, owing to continuum emission images at millimetre wavelengths. In the past ten years these gaps have been found in many disks when observed face-on. On the contrary, it is very difficult to see gaps formed by planets in edge-on protoplanetary disks. Owing to our numerical simulations we can compare the aspect of inclined disks with and without presence of a planet and understand which hints for their potential presence we should search in edge-on disks observations.
In addition, we would like to comment on what non-spherical particles dynamics can bring to analysis of dusty disks with giant planets. If we want to study the interaction dust-planet in protoplanetary disks, we should address the question about the dust in the gaps. The dust is mainly attracted by the forming giant planet and thus forming a gap where the gas environment becomes very rarefied, i.e. physical conditions of Epstein regime are present. Then, if the remaining dust in the gap is still subject to gas drag, we can consider free molecular flow approximation for the gas and dust. In this case, the non-sphericity plays role on the dust dynamics. The dominant forces will be the gravitational ones coming from the central star and the planet and the gas drag. Simulations of non-spherical dust in rarefied field (Ivanovski et al, 2017) show the difference of the velocity distribution in such conditions. We address the non-spherical dust dynamics effects by simulating dusty disc setup of HH30 with PHANTOM code [Ivanovski et al. 2021, COSPAR].