Presentation #102.86 in the session Poster Session.
The understanding of exoplanets is largely hampered by clouds obscuring their atmospheres. Temperatures in planetary atmospheres stretch from those of cool stars to far below the freezing point of water.The MARCS stellar atmosphere code is thoroughly tested against observations for temperatures down to the coolest stars and therefore forms a reliable starting point for the warmest exoplanets (Gustafsson et al., 2008).
We combine the low-temperature star modelling by MARCS, with irradiation, equilibrium chemistry modelling by GGchem (Woitke et al., 2018) and cloud-chemistry modelling by Static Weather (Helling et al., 2016) to self-consistently model exoplanetary atmospheres. In this poster I present the first MARCS exoplanet atmosphere models for irradiated hot-Jupiters.