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Non-Spherical Models of Mechanical Feedback due to Quasar Disk Wind

Presentation #101.12 in the session AGN & Quasars — iPoster Session.

Published onJun 29, 2022
Non-Spherical Models of Mechanical Feedback due to Quasar Disk Wind

Active galactic nuclei have been observed to have outflows which, while not yet fully understood, are expected to participate in mechanical and thermal feedback in the galaxy. The effects of the geometry of the outflow are also poorly understood and could clash significantly with the assumption that at large enough scales, all details of the dynamics and the initial properties of the outflow wash out. In this work we probe the effects of non-spherical disk winds. We use the magnetohydrodynamics code Athena++ to simulate axisymmetric bipolar flows and analyze the time dependent profiles of several physical parameters of interest.

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